Dr. K. M. Mahiuddin
Dr. K. M. Mahiuddin Professor, Department of Government & Politics




K.M. Mahiuddin is a professor of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University He received Ph. D in Political Science from the University of Heidelberg, Germany with DAAD scholarship. He was the Chaiman  of Government and Politics Department, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka from September 2010 to September 2013. Dr. Mahiuddin is currently Chairperson,  Centre for Governance Studies (CGS),  Department of Government & Politics. 

Dr. Mahiuddin has research colaboration with the Department of Social Rehabiliation , Kobe Gakuin University, Japan.  He was also a visiting professor of that department from  November to December 2018. 

His reserach interests include e-governance, legislative process and political  party mangement. Dr. Mahiuddin has completed several research projects in the rea of e-governance, political campaigning and legislative process funded by Jahangirnagar University and Bangladesh University Grants Commission.  He has published widely on parliament, local government, political party and e-governance in reputed journals. He is the author of several books i.e.  The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning (VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009), Women Representation in the Union Parishad (Local Government) of Bangladesh (BNPS, Dhaka, 2000). Dr. Mahiuddin was also involved writing MP Handbook for the Bangladesh Parliament from 2013-2014.

Dr. Mahiuddin offers several core courses in his department i.e. Political Managment, Local Government and Rural Development, Political Systems of Afirca and E-Governance. Last couple of years he had supervised number of Ph D, M Phil and MSS students in the field of local government, E-governance, women empowerment and social safety net program. 

In addition of teaching and research, Professor Mahiuddin has been working for various consultancies specializing in parliament, e-governance, local government. As a project director Dr. Mahiuddin has completed a good number of researches. As a members of evaluation team he evaluated several development projects implemented by UNDP in Bangladesh.  As a team leader he has conducted a study on ‘Social Media Usages in Public Sector in Bangladesh’ funded and faciliated by the Access to Information Project (a2i), ICT Devision, Bangladesh Government.  



 Legislative Process, political party management,e-Governance, Disability and Rehabilitation

All Publications

    K.M. Mahiuddin, The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009.

   K.M. Mahiuddin, (co-author) Women Representation in Union Parishad, Dhaka: Nari Progti Shanga, 2001(in Bengali).

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Research Papers

1)      (Co-author) “Impacts of Political Issues on Disability and Assistive Products in Bangladesh” , Kobegakuin Journal of Rehabilitation Research,  Vol.15, Kobe: March 2020, pp.37-49.

2)      (Lead author), “Social Inclusion of persons with disabilities: an overview of government initiatives in Bangladesh” , Kobegakuin Journal of Rehabilitation Research,  Vol.14, Kobe: March 2019,pp.21-31


3)      (co-author) ˝Enabling E-Services for Rural Community through Union    Information and Service Centers (UISCs)“, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 32, 2013, pp 49-58.


4)      (co-author), Websites of Political Parties: Case of Bangladesh, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 31, 2012, pp.43-48.


5)      (co-author), E-Governance: A Way Forward to Digital Bangladesh, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol 30, 2011, pp.61-70.


6)      - “Candidate Selection Process in the Ninth Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh”,  (in English) in Al Masud Hasanuzzaman and Shamsul Alam (eds), Political Management in Bangladesh, Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2010, pp. 193-210.


7)      - “Management of Political Party Affairs in Bangladesh”, (in English), Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.29, June 2010, pp 1-12.


8)      - Financial Accountability: Working of the Public Accounts Committee in Bangladesh” (in English),  International Journal on Government Financial Management, 2009, Vol. IX, Number 1, pp.53-66.


9)      - “Overseeing Public Spending in Bangladesh: Role of the Parliamentary Financial Committees”, (in English) Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, Dhaka, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 2007, pp. 57-72.


10)  - “Working of Parliament in Bangladesh: The Case of Eighth Jatiya Sangsad”, (in English) Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.26, June 2007, pp 17-28


11)  - Role of Parliamentary Parties in Bundestag and Jatiya Sangsad: An Analysis”, (in English) Asian Studies: Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, No.25, June 2006,pp.55-62.


12)  - “Parliamentary Support Services in Bangladesh: An Overview”, (in English) the Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Social Science, Vol. XXX, 2006,pp.107-118.


13)   - “Local Government and National Politics: Perspective of Union Parishad, Lokaprasasana Samayiki, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 20, august 2002, (in Bengali).


14)  - “Participation of the Rural Poor in conflict Resolution and the Role of NGOs”, Shomaj Nirrikhan (a Journal of Social Studies), Vol.73, 1999, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh( in Bengali).



Independent Research Works


·         End-line Study on Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh Phase II (Chittagong Hill Tracts Part), Funded by UNDP, June 2022.

·         “E-service Delivery: the Role of the Community Information Centre”, funded by Bangladesh University Grant Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011.

·         “Electoral Campaign in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Ninth Parliamentary Election”, funded by Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2010.

·          “Political Parties in Bangladesh: Authoritarian Hierarchy and Puzzle of Democracy”, funded by the Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2007.

·          “Tea Labours in Bangladesh: Life Style and Changing Pattern”, funded by the Bangladesh University Grant Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2003.

·          “Reforms of Local Dispute Resolution System (Shalish) in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh: Madaripure Legal Association A case Study”, funded by Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2002.

·          “Role of Tajuddin Ahmed on Bnagladesh Liberation Movement”, funded by Jahangirnagar        University, Bangladesh, 2000.



K. M. Mahiuddin, Political Development and Social Change, Bangladesh Open University, 2022-2023.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship, 2002-2003, The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning, VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009.


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
GP 602 Political Theories:Changes and Continues 2021-2024
GP 509 E-governance 2021-22
GP 406 Legislative Process in Bangladesh 2022

Academic Info

Institute: South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany,
Period: 2003-2009

Ph. D in political science,  Degree obtained in 2009, Thesis Title: The Parliamentary Committee System in Bangladesh: An Analysis of its Functioning


Organization: Ph D Research Supervision
Position: Supervisor

Name of Ph D Candidate: SM Kamrul Hassan Bulbul, Disertaion Title: Internet Usage in Political Communication: A Study on Selected Political Parties of Bangladesh, Degree Awarded: Decmber 2022


Name of Ph D Candidate: Ms. Azmira Bilkis, Disertaion Title: Female Return Migrants and the Challenge of Reintegration: A Case Study of Returnees of Manikganj District, Degree Awarded: April 2022


Name of Ph D Candidate: Mohammad  Mahbub Hasan, Disertaion Title: Cyber Crime Justice System in Bangladesh : Functioning of the Cyber Tribunal, Degree Awarded: November 2021


Name of Ph D Candidate: Ms. Shuriya Farzana, Disertaion Title: Maternal Health in Bangladesh: A Study on eHealth Service Delivery, Degree Awarded: November 2018


Name of Ph D Candidate: Shah Md. Safiul Hoque, Disertaion Title: E-Service Delivery In Bangladesh: A Study On Selected Union Digital Centers, Degree Awarded: November 2016


Organization: ME&A
Position: National Consultant
Period: February-May 2023

Mid-term Performance Evaluation of Strengthening Political Landscape (SPL) in Bangladesh, Funded by USAID, Implemented by Democracy Internation

Organization: Department of Government and Politics
Position: Head, Program Self Assessment Committee
Period: 2021-23

Developing OBE based Curriculum  

Organization: Faculty of Social Rehabilitation, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan
Position: Research Advisor
Period: 2021-2024

Study Project Title- “A Comprehensive Study of Educational Assistance , Welfare, and Social Inclusion for Disabled Children and Students in Bangladesh", Funded by Authority- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).


Dr. K. M. Mahiuddin

Department of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +88017-26397269
Email: mahiuddin@juniv.edu , mahiuddin2007@gmail.com